Elizabeth Samit's Author Site




Ghostwriting Service


Welcome to my website of my books, and description of my editing & ghostwriting services.

All three of my self-published books shown below are available on Amazon.com. The Courage of Outliers is also available in both print and e-book formats on Lulu.com.

1) "Mid-Life Folks, Age Discrimination, and Unemployment: An Emerging Public Health Issue" (publication date: 2015, e-book format only. ISBN Number: 978-0-9904190-1-3; ASIN: B00YZ4UT51)

2) "Burned Out on Belt Tightening? (Living Well on Less)" (publication date: 2014; e-book format only. ISBN Number: 978-9904190-0-6; ASIN: B00KH707VS)

3) "The Courage of Outliers" (publication date: 2013; paperback version: ISBN Number: 978-1-300-81832-8, e-book version: 978-1-3009325-5-0) [e-book cover shown above]



See Elizabeth Samit's business website at: www.words-eye-view.com